Cover Crops
Tall Fescue – Cover Crops
Tall Fescue is a tufted, perennial grass that is best adapted to cool-season production. It grows strongly during spring and autumn, with poor growth during winter (even though it stays green) and limited growth in summer. It can spread with small underground roots called rhizomes. Leaves have characteristic ridges on the upper side.
Teff Grass – Cover Crops
Teff grass is an annual grass species adapted to a wide range of conditions. This tufted grass produces ample fine leaves and stems which makes it an ideal crop for hay production for livestock and commercial hay farmers.
Weeping Love Grass Cover Crop
Weeping Love grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop producing dense tufts. This grass is used for pasture and hay production.
White Buffalo Grass – Cover Crops
Guinea/ White Buffalo grass is a summer growing perennial species. This grass is highly variable and can be tufted with or without short rhizomes.
White Clover – Cover Crops
White clover is a perennial forage legume with a prostrate, stoloniferous growth habit. It is very palatable, nutritious and highly digestible. Trifoliate leaves are smooth and abundant. It has a deep primary taproot in the first season, with secondary roots taking over from season two when the primary tap root dies off. Clover is therefore not as drought tolerant as Lucerne.
Wool Grass
Wool Grass can be found in wet locations such as marshes, meadows and swamps. Numerous little spikelets appear to be covered with wool-like hair, hence its common name.