Dolichos – Cover Crops

Dolichos – Cover Crops


Dolichos is a prostrate, twining, herbaceous annual/ biennial crop. It is a summer legume crop with a well-developed taproot system.

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Dolichos is a prostrate, twining, herbaceous annual/ biennial crop. It is a summer legume crop with a well-developed taproot system. It is a dual purpose crop; pulse grains (human food) or forage (animal food) utilized by grazing it or in a cut-and-carry system. It can also be used as a cover crop/ green manuring.

The minimum annual rainfall requirements for Dolichos are 450 mm, but production greatly increases in higher rainfall areas.

Dolichos (Lablab purpureus), also known as lablab bean, hyacinth bean, or simply lablab, is a versatile legume valued for its adaptability, soil-enriching properties, and multiple uses in agriculture, livestock feed, and human consumption. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, it is a resilient crop that thrives in diverse climates and soil types.


Dolichos is a warm-season, climbing or trailing legume with broad trifoliate leaves, vibrant purple flowers, and pods containing edible seeds. It is highly drought-tolerant and grows well in poor or moderately fertile soils. The plant’s rapid growth and dense foliage make it an excellent ground cover, helping to suppress weeds and protect against soil erosion.


Dolichos offers numerous benefits, particularly in sustainable agriculture. As a nitrogen-fixing crop, it improves soil fertility by converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants. Its high protein content makes it a valuable forage crop for livestock, while the seeds are a rich source of nutrients for human consumption. Dolichos also supports biodiversity by providing food and habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects. Its resilience to drought and ability to thrive in marginal conditions make it a critical crop in areas with challenging climates.


Dolichos is grown for its edible beans, which are consumed fresh, dried, or as part of traditional dishes in various cultures. It is also widely used as forage, hay, or silage in livestock farming due to its high nutritional value. Additionally, it serves as a cover crop and green manure, enhancing soil structure, fertility, and organic matter content.


Dolichos is a versatile, sustainable crop with wide-ranging benefits for food production, livestock feeding, and soil health. Its adaptability and resilience make it an essential choice for modern agricultural systems.

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